Becoming a member

It is important to read and understand the Code of Conduct for an International Member before becoming an officially recognized International Member of International Advocacy for Human Rights and Anti-Corruption – (IAHRAC)

The struggle for human rights and fighting for a world free of corruption must be truly international. This is because human rights are universal, and a worldwide outcry can promote and defend human rights. IAHRAC aims to end the corrupting influence of big money in world politics and to instil integrity into the conduct of those in public office. These responsibilities and points of conduct are designed to safeguard IAHRAC’s impartiality, independence, and consistency, upon which its effectiveness depends. They are also designed to safeguard the international members, as it is through international solidarity, we can protect each other.

In order to function most effectively as a human rights movement, the members of IAHRAC have agreed to adhere strictly to three fundamental responsibilities:

  1. International members will not represent IAHRAC and are not public spokespeople. International Members will not act as official representatives, nor speak on behalf of or in the name of IAHRAC. This stipulation seeks to protect the individual from persecution and reprisals and keeps IAHRAC’s message consistent and effective.
  1. International members will not create or publish their own content in the name of IAHRAC without consent. International members will not use the IAHRAC brand in their own publications (including Facebook or other social media content) without our consent. Consent can be withdrawn at any time for inappropriate use. This applies to the use of the IAHRAC’s name and logo.
  1. International Members will conduct themselves in an ethical, responsible, and respectable manner and will not engage in or write offensive material. IAHRAC’s Secretariat is committed to ensuring the privacy of all our users.

The International Secretariat is responsible for maintaining this Code of Conduct.

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