IAHRAC’s Position on Isreal and Palestinian Conflict


The International Advocacy for Human Rights and Anti-Corruption (IAHRAC) strongly condemns the ongoing crisis in Israel and Palestine. This condemnation is launched on several principles:

  1. Human Rights: IAHRAC upholds the fundamental human rights of all regional individuals, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or religion. The conflict has repeatedly led to violations of these rights, including the right to life, security, and freedom from discrimination.
  2. Peace and Diplomacy: IAHRAC believes the only way to resolve this protracted conflict is through peaceful negotiation, dialogue, and a two-state solution. The perpetuation of violence and hostilities only exacerbates suffering on both sides.
  3. Protection of Civilians: IAHRAC calls for protecting civilians, especially children, disproportionately affected by the conflict. Both parties must adhere to international humanitarian law to minimise harm to non-combatants.
  4. International Cooperation: IAHRAC supports international efforts to mediate a lasting peace, and we call on world leaders to work collectively toward a resolution. The international community must prioritise the humanitarian concerns of the region.

In conclusion, the conflict between Israel and Palestine is a deeply rooted and multi-issue, necessitating a critical analysis of its historical, political, and humanitarian aspects. IAHRAC’s complete condemnation of the crisis underscores the urgent need for peace, the protection of human rights, and international cooperation to bring an end to the suffering and instability in the region.

History of the conflict

The conflict in Israel and Palestine is a profoundly complex and long-standing issue with historical, political, and humanitarian dimensions. A critical analysis of this conflict involves understanding the multiple perspectives and challenges involved, and condemning the crisis requires a call for peace, respect for human rights, and international cooperation.

Critical Analysis

  1. Historical Background: The Israel-Palestine conflict dates back to the late 19th century and involves competing national aspirations, colonialism, and religious significance. A comprehensive understanding of the conflict’s history is crucial to navigate its complexities.
  2. Political Complexities: The conflict is marked by territorial disputes, competing claims to Jerusalem, refugee issues, and questions of statehood. The political landscape is divided between Israel, the Palestinian Authority, and Hamas-controlled Gaza, adding further layers of complexity.
  3. Humanitarian Toll: The conflict has led to the suffering of both Israelis and Palestinians. Civilians, including children, often bear the brunt of the violence and instability, leading to tragic consequences.
  4. International Involvement: Various international actors have been involved in attempts to mediate peace, but a lasting resolution remains elusive. Political considerations have often influenced international involvement.

By Dr O Akinyemi

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